Monday, February 22, 2010

I got internet

This is Satur-night's highlight.

My laptop detected Tikona wi-fi. For a few moments, I felt exhilarated wrongly thinking that I had free wifi access. I did have internet connection but only one website opened no matter what url I typed. This was the Tikona website. It flashed a toll-free number which I called. The clock read 8 pm.

Hats off to the Tikona executives, within the next 2 hours, I had my own wireless internet connection in my little nest. All I had to pay was Rs.500 for installation.

Man, was I impressed by their service standards and eagerness to help me out. As a bonus, the executives pointed out to me that I could see a corner of Salman Khan's residence from my window. You have to look out and bend sideways. The effort is hardly worth it. It's not the same as seeing a corner of Salman Khan himself. :p